«Drakkon» de Crest Fallen Star

«Drakkon» de Crest Fallen StarAutor: Crest Fallen Star

Año: 2022
Restricción: 16+

Género: romance, Fantasía

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Sinopsis del libro «Drakkon» de Crest Fallen Star

When Daiyu is summoned with dozens of other girls to be the Emperor’s concubine, she doesn’t think that she’ll be chosen. Although beautiful and kind, she’s hardly qualified to be with the emperor, whose name is stained with blood and whose reputation is blacker than sin. When she accidentally catches the eye of Emperor Meilin, however, he surprises her by naming her his bride and future empress of the empire.

How will the kind and sweet Daiyu escape from the clutches of the emperor? Will he capture his little rabbit, or will she run before it’s too late?

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